At the end of South America is located the world´s most austral city: Ushuaia. Visited since ancient times for brave sailormen, today you have the oportunity to revive that same adventure with us. We offer you a cousy place for a deserved rest time from your excursions & trekkings: Hostería Ailén. Situated in a privilegiated for the nature enviroment & surounded with thousands years "lengas" (trees) at the back of the Le Martial glaciar & with a great view of the bay, we are sure that you will enjoy this unforgetable experience.
We are located in Leandro N. Alem 3981. It is 4.5 km. from the downtown centre and 4 km from the Malvinas Argentinas International Airport, the city of Ushuaia. We have a privileged view of the city and in a very quiet area.
From Airport
it is a 5 to 8 minutes journey. You can get here by taxi, ask for their rates.
In Car
Por la Ruta Nacional Nº 3 desde Buenos Aires, Ríver Gallegos, Ríver Grande o Tolhuin.
In Airplane
In Argentinas Airlines, LAN y LADE.
In Bus
Tecni Austral, TAQSA, MAGDA: from Calafate, River Gallegos o Punta Arenas.
Líder o Montiel: from River Grande o Tolhuin.
You can go to Ushuaia by plane, ship or car. If you wish to contact us we will find you at the airport & take you to your lodging.